Honduras 🇭🇳 2019 Drew's 1st Mission Trip!!

From the eyes of our 14 year old, Drew....
A trip we've been praying for him to one day experience.
To see Jesus at work. To know how to love and serve Him with his whole heart.
 Love God. 

 Love Others.

 Love Life. A wonderful experience.
Drew's Reflection: (in his own words)
  • I felt I got to know my dad in a deeper way.
  • I loved the mission team and if I were to design my own mission trip team I would choose this one all over again. 
  • I could have served another week if we would have moved to a new location to drill another well.
  • The kids coming in trucks and climbing over a big fence to see us each day was really interesting and unique. 
  • Don't drink the orange bubbly drink they serve at breakfast, made me puke the 1st day 15 times in like 10 minutes!
  • I loved the night Michelle and I ate a frozen pizza together, I was soooo sick of rice and beans.
  • I loved the quality time with my team, no one was on their phones and we got to know one another really well.
  • I'd love my friend Brady and his mom to come next time. 
  • I enjoyed the constant moving and on the go each day.
  • I want to learn Spanish really good now! I'm going to take it seriously in high school so I can better communicate next time. 
  • Definitely pack more pants. 
  • Derek had the most servant heart out of the whole group this week. Neat for me to see. 
  •  I enjoyed getting to know Nugget, one of our lead guys that lives in Honduras. 
  • I like traveling.
  • I bought candy for my friends to try, a machete knife for $6, a magnet for mom for her refrigerator, and spin tops for my brothers. 
  • My team called me "Nacho" all week because I ate lots of chips and dip.
  • Most interesting thing was guys carrying live pigs on their laps riding motorcycles.
  • I loved being by the ocean and swimming.
I am so thankful for this experience but worry a bit being back home and getting back into my busy school and sports routine. Prayers are appreciated. Can you believe I will be in high school next year? Drew.


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