COVID-19 Week 1

Week 1 Gunderson COVID-19 Schedule Our 1st week after coming home from Florida was really a drastic switch for us! We all handled it pretty well last week... Of course the teacher inside me decided a schedule would make our day feel more fulfilled and less chaotic so I have been following a light routine daily- at roughly these times 9a each day at 9AM we head out for a family walk together. The route changes each day but we all head out on bike or walking together. I have ere ally enjoyed having Kyle join us for these walks each day before he heads to church. We are thankful he has still been able to work at church as it is easier for him to get his work done and for us to be noisy at home! 9:45a we get our bibles, journals and books and do our devotions and reading time. The boys were hesitant at first with this but now have really gotten into the schedule and are enjoying a quiet house to spend time with God and read. 10-11a is craft time, puzzles, games, ...