COVID-19 week 4

Week 4 Gunderson COVID-19 Schedule
Each week we get a little more silly together, a bit more creative with our time, and more relaxed at being home together. I'm actually secretly enjoying this time, I know the boys are missing baseball and friends, teachers and at times the school routine, but I gotta say I love having them here too! Our slower pace, Kyle home more, and time together has been such a gift to me....

Kyle and Bonfires! Just cracks me up because Kyle could have a bonfire every single night for our family and feel like he is in heaven. I love sitting outside with him and visiting together because he is so enjoying the moment! And I'm getting better about cleaning up supper quick and getting out there!
Easter Morning! Still those same Easter smiles, just bigger boys! Fun tradition of finding their baskets and bringing them to the family room and digging in!

Easter Service Online went so well and we so enjoyed the service together! It was a very unique way to have Easter and one I will NEVER forget having Kyle home on an Easter Sunday. So weird!!
Our bunny cake was decorated by these two and they had fun doing it all by themselves!
A game of Monopoly was played on Easter and dad won! I decided to let the guys enjoy some time together, and read my book. :)
Last Friday we took a nice walk at the Red Cedar Trail together. The sun was so nice but the temps still a bit chilly!!
We walked 1 mile before turning around! Here is our proof!
These days are so precious and I am hoping to up my blogging going forward. This time we have together will never be given back to us and I am so thankful for each day we get to spend together as a family and I get to spend with Kyle. 
Beyond blessed. 

COVID-19  Motto
Closer. Stronger. Living Lighter. 

Closer- using this time to grow closer with my family and close friends. writing letters, giving phone calls, trying out marco polo, visiting with my neighbors, being present at home, spending time with the kids, going for walks, bonfires with Kyle, bike rides as a family, hiking, laughing, talking....growing closer

Stronger- becoming stronger through this season. learning to let go of control and becoming stronger in giving God full control and surrendering to Him. plans for our summer, seeing family, getting life back to normal. 

Living Light- this is my 2020 motto and it has been such a good motto for me this year in not getting anxious, to live light and enjoy each day I am given, to love my family and others, laugh more, run free and enjoy the gift of running and let go and enjoy the beauty that living with 5 guys brings! keep it light!


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