
Andrew and I visited Grandpa and Grandma Stegeman this past weekend, and had a great time! It is always so fun to spend time laughing and relaxing together. We always leave with special memories that will always be remembered. Andrew as always, loves playing with grandpa and grandma. His contagious laugh soaks through the entire house while we are there. This past weekend there were new memories shared that won't be forgotten... Andrew using sign language to communicate with grandma and grandpa that he wants "more" yummy food, his first attempt at saying grandma sounded like "g-ma", insisting on looking Reggie (dog) in the face, endless kisses, eating peaches right from the jar, loving dried blueberries, and kissing mommy and grandma's tummy thinking we both had babies inside! Although the distance continues to sadden us all at times like these, we are thankful that we always enjoy the moments we do share together. Life is too short to miss out on the opport...