Florida+Golf time+Gators!

Kyle had a great time heading to Florida for a few days last week to spend some time with his dad! The weather sounded gorgeous and Kyle said it was a great week!
 Kyle got to spend Rick's actual birthday with him!! How special, love their smiles! I think they both look really tan too!
 Our favorite highlight from the pictures Kyle sent were these alligators! They said they were super close to them while golfing. Rick didn't seem as amused as Kyle did! But both said it was pretty neat that they were out that day!

The golfing went fast and before they knew it they were on the road for home. They tackled the drive home like pros and even took Jacob and I out to lunch when they came back to town. I'm glad Kyle had time with his dad making memories together. One of Kyle's favorite things to do with his dad is to go golfing. What a bonus to golf with your dad and see alligators! It was really fun hearing about their week together! Glad they're home safe!


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