
Showing posts from October, 2018

Friday is here already!!

Where does the time go?? It’s Friday again already!! Great week and lots of wonderful family time❤️ 1. Lark toy store- we checked out a super fun toy store last Friday morning while the boys were off of school. It was really neat!! We’ll for sure go back! It was cool to check out a new place. 2. Grandma and Grandpa time- we enjoyed having my parents come visit us! We had a nice weekend baking cookies, going for walks, playing games, and watching movies.  3. Fall Retreat- Micah went on the fall youth retreat with church and had a blast!! I love that he is enjoying being apart of the youth group and doing everything possible! He had a great time and had some funny stories to tell us. We love that he is playing piano and the drums for worship.  4. Wrap up to Cross Country-  the home cross country meet on Monday wrapped up the cross country season for the older two boys. It was a great season!!  Drew had a PR this year of 15:52 for 2miles😁 Micah had a great season and s...

October is going by fast! 💨 

A few fun highlights for our top5 this week! 1. Cross Country- the season is almost over and Drew has been really working hard at his personal running goal of staying under 16 minutes. He’s hoping it pays off for basketball season that’s literally right around the corner!  2. Micah is making huge achievements in his running this season as well and really enjoying the friendships that have come along with it. 3. Micah and friends headed out for the fall youth retreat at church yesterday morning! Love their smiles and praying for great memories made together. 4.Work for me at Headstart has been a blessing and a challenge all at the same time. Yesterday afternoon the boys and I hiked at Hoffman hills while Kyle was finishing his day at work and it was such a beautiful, peaceful afternoon. Just what I needed to refresh. 5. Our boys fill my life with so much Joy. So often I find myself thinking, there’s no place I’d rather be to find rest and contentment then doing life with Kyle an...

Birthday Week!!🎈🎉

Happy 13th birthday to Drew!! Last week Kyle and I became parents to a teenager! So wild!! We couldn’t be more proud of our big 13 guy. Love his heart and confidence in being the oldest boy of 4 in our house. Drew is a leader at school and amongst friends. He is kind to others, works hard, very determined in all he does to succeed,  and loves all things Nike. We love you Drew man!!! His smile makes everyday brighter! We had a fun day celebrating him by having his favorite meal, fajitas! And his birthday dessert choice, dirt cake!! It was a special day.  3. Jake turns 7! Just a few days later, baby Jake turned 7! It’s a joke in our house that we will forever call him "baby J" and so it must continue because he will always be our baby! We love you Jake for thinking the world of your brothers, loving family time, lots of mom kisses and hugs, daily giggles and loads of energy, and soaking up all the daddy time you can get! You are a true delight. It was a fun filled day of openin...

Day3 Race day in Chicago!

I am so blessed by these 4 boys! Best cheerleaders and supporters in my life💚thankful to Kyle for all his work each and everyday to support my running and running goals! It’s not easy to navigate us all in Chicago and make sure I know how to get to the start line for my race! He is truly my ROCK. Race day came quickly and before I knew it, I was running the Marathon!  Took this photo before I started. I was in Wave 1 Corral C   The race was amazing- lots of people cheering THE WHOLE RACE, no joke. lots of runners but I could always find my own space. lots of Gatorade and water stations to fill up my bottle.  great weather. my mind was clear. my thoughts on the race at hand. It was the BEST experience I have ever had at racing any marathon before. I PR’d by 7 minutes since 2013!!   TCM 2013 3:22/ CHICAGO 2018 3:15!! I felt AMAZING!! It felt great to feel great today. Thankful for a healthy comeback race!!! Already thinking about my next one!!  My Garmin Results-...

Day2 Chicago

Day2 Chicago- Zoo+Expo day Look at these handsome guys hanging outside our apartment where we stayed. I just love them so much! They are all set for a fun day at the zoo! We enjoy this zoo so much because they have so many cool animals! The gorillas are our absolute favorite! The zoo was decorated with pumpkins, corn mazes and lots of fun! Look at these sillies! A chair that fits all 4!! The zoo was filled with lots of fun things to do, it really was a great time. I don’t know of another zoo I’ve been to where there’s been a rhino!! 🦏 the boys loved it! Off to the Expo to pick up my race packet!! I can’t believe the race is tomorrow!! Woohoo!!! I have just felt super excited all weekend for this race. I have felt so good this training cycle and I’m just excited to get out there and run! I’m all set and ready to go!! I’m so excited to run in the Chicago marathon tomorrow!!❤️