October is going by fast! 💨
A few fun highlights for our top5 this week!
1. Cross Country- the season is almost over and Drew has been really working hard at his personal running goal of staying under 16 minutes. He’s hoping it pays off for basketball season that’s literally right around the corner!
2. Micah is making huge achievements in his running this season as well and really enjoying the friendships that have come along with it.
3. Micah and friends headed out for the fall youth retreat at church yesterday morning! Love their smiles and praying for great memories made together.4.Work for me at Headstart has been a blessing and a challenge all at the same time. Yesterday afternoon the boys and I hiked at Hoffman hills while Kyle was finishing his day at work and it was such a beautiful, peaceful afternoon. Just what I needed to refresh.
5. Our boys fill my life with so much Joy. So often I find myself thinking, there’s no place I’d rather be to find rest and contentment then doing life with Kyle and the boys. My heart finds so much Joy being with them.
Happy Friday!! It was a fast week and October seems to be flying by way too fast for me! Finding moments to breathe. refresh. and smile!