
Showing posts from 2019

Thankful for 2019!!

Another full year is coming to an end and we have so enjoyed spending the year with each other, our family, and those God has placed in our path who have become wonderful friends. We are so grateful for the ways God has led our family to have eyes to see who we need to be loving on around us on a daily basis. So neat to hear from our boys that they are beginning to live out their faith in our community and being salt and light each day. We have grown closer together as a family this year and find comfort in knowing that we have one another through the hard times and the good times. This year has been packed with lots of highlights so we wanted to share some of them with you before heading into 2020!  Lots of Basketball to kickoff 2019  Our winter was packed with many great basketball tournaments! Kyle and I have fun going to the guys games and cheering like crazy. We are very proud parents! Bluefin Bay GetAway Always a blessing to us to be gifted this special plac...

Christmas break FAVORITES!!

Christmas morning πŸŽ„is a real fave each year!! Oh my goodness our poor Jake barely slept all night he was so excited!😜7AM is when our fun begins! BEST gifts and breakfast while visiting and laughing together in our PJs and crazy hair-dos! Family Walk πŸŽ„At the cabin on Thursday evening before supper. The fresh air was so needed and we decided to brave the ice and see how thick it was. Definitely not an ice skating year for us, bummed about that! Our family loves being outside together so we still enjoyed a nice walk and hang time together. Playing gamesπŸŽ„ We played a lot of games over break- headbands, catch phrase, scategories, trivia, balderdash, Yahtzee and cards! Miniature Golfing and laser tagπŸŽ„ Before heading home from the lake we always enjoy stopping and doing something fun together! So we decided since it was raining that we would have some indoor fun!! It was awesome! Laser tag is my favorite! JumanjiπŸŽ„ This was a great movie! The boys and I went on Christmas Eve day whil...

Our December days leading us to Christmas!πŸŽ„

Christmas Play! Our guys really enjoy this fun tradition each December going to a Christmas play with all of their cousins! Too bad Drew had to miss this year, he was still in Honduras. Middle School Christmas Concerts! Two different concerts even though they look very similar. They were really good! The guys totally had me thinking it wasn’t going to be that great but it was!😊 7th Grade Micah 8th Grade Drew Jake and Easton enjoyed the parade night and fun night at Cedarbrook together. They are such great friends.   Tubing at the Badlands with friends made for a great December day!! Baking for Christmas is always fun for me to do with the boys!! They love frosted pretzels, sugar cookies, cut out cookies and pinwheels! We eat a lot as we bake so not too much left. Good thing we will be baking a cake for Jesus tomorrow. πŸŽ‚ Grandpa Vern  passed away and we had the funeral and burial last week. We will miss you grandpa. Piano music  Jake played a few son...

Honduras πŸ‡­πŸ‡³ 2019 Drew's 1st Mission Trip!!

Honduras From the eyes of our 14 year old, Drew.... A trip we've been praying for him to one day experience. To see Jesus at work. To know how to love and serve Him with his whole heart.   Love God.    Love Others.   Love Life. A wonderful experience. Drew's Reflection: ( in his own words) I felt I got to know my dad in a deeper way. I loved the mission team and if I were to design my own mission trip team I would choose this one all over again.  I could have served another week if we would have moved to a new location to drill another well. The kids coming in trucks and climbing over a big fence to see us each day was really interesting and unique.  Don't drink the orange bubbly drink they serve at breakfast, made me puke the 1st day 15 times in like 10 minutes! I loved the night Michelle and I ate a frozen pizza together, I was soooo sick of rice and beans. I loved the quality time with my team, no one ...

December Top5!

1. Turkey Trot 5mile- a great new tradition! This was my 2nd year racing in the Turkey Trot 5mile in Eau Claire and I felt a bit more familiar with the course this year. Although it was really icy and slippery I was able to manage a 6:23 pace in 31:52 feeling really good. I felt I could have kept it rollin' a bit longer at that clip which I was very pleased with!  I like coming off the marathon training and changing my focus to shorter/faster stuff. Nice switch up. Fun morning!   2. Thanksgiving Day-  a long time tradition in having Thanksgiving at our house. So blessed my whole side of the family comes to us and enjoys a fun filled day being together. It was a wonderful day and so fun to hear everyone chatting and playing in the house together.   Family❀️  Leona is very busy playing with marbles. so sweetπŸ’›   3. Christmas Tree-  Drew was our tree cutter this year! He did a fabulous job!  We found a great tree!πŸŽ„  We lov...


Today, December 4th, I am officially 39 years old. I can totally see 40 up ahead but will stall here for a little while first. I think 39 will be GREAT!β˜€οΈ Today started off with a much needed run in the sunshine β˜€οΈ cruising to my favorite playlist from the TCM in October.  Then I showered up and headed to get my haircut πŸ’‡ something I absolutely LOVE! Feels so great to get my hair trimmed and shampooed up with great products that make my hair feel amazing for a week! Next up, lunch out with someone super special to me-AmyπŸ’› I was a cheap lunch date since my lunch was FREE! Fun to hit up the free spots on my birthday! Finally, crawled into bed to read and rest before going to pick up my guys from school. Felt so weird not having Drew and Kyle to spend my day with but so happy they are enjoying their time in Honduras. Excited to see them on Saturday! The evening was spent playing board games and eating chips and cheese dip at Cancun and snuggling with my guys watching Home Alone, o...

Thankful. πŸ‚Nov. 27thπŸ¦ƒ

I am so thankful for all these guys God has blessed me with! It has been a wonderful month of finding gratitude in each day and reflecting on the little and big ways God is always present in our lives. Looking forward to a wonderful weekend ahead spending time with those I love the most. πŸ‚  Jacob KyleπŸ’š  Andrew MarvinπŸ’š  Caleb JamesπŸ’š  Micah RobertπŸ’š  Us❀️ Our thankful jar is a fun tradition we do each November. Looking forward to reading these together before heading to the soup supper with our church family tonight.πŸ‚ Happy Thanksgiving! πŸ‚ β€’I will post soon on the Turkey trot 5mi, our family time this weekend, and Kyle and Drew heading out to Honduras on Saturday! I love our full and adventurous life.