COVID-19 week 6

Gotta catch up! I'm sitting here this morning with my coffee in hand and the house quiet. Perfect time to sit down and update our blog on life around here lately. Lets start with lots of family snuggle time. Kyle and I love finding our boys relaxing together, laughing and chatting. We have so enjoyed our home family time together, for the most part, minus some fighting.  
We did rebel for a day last weekend and took a few friends on the boat with us! So much fun and worth every single smile that day. I'd say the water was way too chilly to swim in, but these fishes said no way! And jumped right in!
I love this pic of the boys trying to decide who's going in first! Jake looks less likely as he sits back a bit. 😆
Jake's best friend Easton was our captain! He loved it and kept asking, "Where would you like me to take you?!"😊
Lots of fun in our backyard these days, coming up with new ideas!
My brave surfing boys, when its warmer they will throw that rope in the boat. 
Chilly but happy to be on the water! So thankful everything on the boat is working and boat drives smooth! That can get a little stressful in the spring.
Momma on marathon taper mode!! Always get a little hyper feeling the week leading up to the marathon, seemed to do pretty well though! Felt pretty relaxed and excited for the opportunity to get on the EC Marathon course with my 5guys and close friends.
In my next blog I will do a EC virtual marathon recap! It was a wonderful experience and a moment in my life I will never forget.
Hard to believe it's already been 6 weeks of living in COVID-19 style! Holding up good most days, but definitely feeling ready for all this to be over and for life to return to normal. ❤️
This mornings verse is so fitting- God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear...Psalm 46:1


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