
Showing posts from September, 2020

Wrapping up September!

 Today IS the final day of September so I wanted to throw out some fun things we’ve been up to in the last week as we say goodbye to another month!  Football is ON around here and Micah had his first football last week! Fun to cheer for them as it was their first “padded” game! They all look so big with their full gear on! Micah of course is the cutest out there in my mind!😉 #67 is Dynamite! Drew also played 2 games this past week- 1st game in Hudson freshmen, 2nd game at home against Hudson sophomore team. Drew’s freshmen football team got combined with the sophomores this year due to the amount of COVID cases and students sent home. These pics were taken on live stream in Hudson! Drew is lovin’ it and is playing really well. He’s #59!! Last Saturday I took on 26.2 with my friend Mandy, supporting her to complete her EC virtual marathon. Tackled it in 3:30 feelin’ great! Fun morning with friends chatting and doing what I love! 🏃‍♀️  Fun day in the cities celebrating fa...

Monday Special!❤️

 I got the greatest text this afternoon from Kyle, inviting me to join him on the prayer trail today to pray! It filled my whole heart up to be asked and I for sure did not turn this down.🥰It was a Monday Special for ME today!!  I know I am biased but I think Kyle is such an incredible leader who strives to be used by God knowing fully he can not lead well with out the Holy Spirit working full time in and through him. His heart is on fire for our community to know the Lord and to experience a deep and real relationship with Him. This fall we look at ministry in a new way during this pandemic and know that God is using his people in new ways. Our prayer as a couple is for others to see that the longing of our hearts can not be filled by the world around us but only from God.  He is more then enough for us!  Flowers on the prayer trail.  Being in His word daily keeps our minds sharp!  I love this verse- Romans 12:2   Do not conform to the pattern of thi...

Weekend Memories🍁

It was a beautiful weekend at the lake with my mom. We had such a nice weekend relaxing and enjoying time together! This place is pretty special.❤️ Lake Elkhorn in the morning! So peaceful. Leaves are just starting to change... the fall season began while we were at the lake! 🍁 Im so incredibly thankful for where God has me right now, fully needing Him every day to lead me and remind me that I belong to Him. Taking the time to be still to hear His voice and remember the “lane He has called me to stay in” is reviving and exciting! It is so awesome to be used by Him, not an easy job but amazing to know that I am right where He wants me. Thankful for a mom who enjoys time away with me! Thankful that we love spending time together and are comfortable resting together. These moments with Mom will forever stay in my heart.❤️ Praying  Learning about God Resting Reading Shopping Walking Kayaking Laughing Talking Eating  Taking Selfies Smiling Girl Time💗 You only get 1 Mom, and I got...

Friday! This weeks highlights 🍁🏈

 Football season has begun! Although it doesn’t look 100% the same way this year, we are making the most of it. Caleb has joined some buddies on Wednesday evenings to play football, so nice of a few parents to throw this together! Caleb is so chatty afterwards telling us all about his time with his friends. Jake made this at art class last week, thankful for that smile and all those colors in his picture!  September 5k trial results!! 19:08 😁 I’m happy with this as I felt very comfortable In the first two miles, then I had to focus that final mile BUT making huge improvements overall and thankful to be running healthy and strong! 🏃‍♀️🍁 Excited to see how I keep improving this fall! Mom and I made it to the lake. Thankful we take this time each year.💛 The lake looked so calm when we arrived Friday night after doing some shopping. Friday morning run, leaves are just starting to change!🍁 Friday morning breakfast before our day began, mom is such a great cook. Such a treat fo...

Our home weekend Sept 11-13th 🍁

 The weekend started out rainy....but glad it changed it’s mind later on to sunny skies! ☀️ It was actually kinda nice to have it foggy and cloudy for my long run on Saturday. Comfortable weather and nice to head out of town and enjoy some quiet solo miles. You can see how sunny it is in the background of this photo, the day really turned around and it was a beautiful day! Kyle and I went to the farmers market to pick up our Saturday flowers and peppers! I had him take this pic of me to remind us how much I love picking up flowers each week. It really is a highlight  to my weekends. I enjoy the environment so much!  I made homemade chicken noodle soup for supper Saturday night after playing a few games of pickle ball at Wakanda park, we are getting pretty good at pickle ball now!! Caleb was so excited to save up his money and buy this hoverboard! It was fun watching him cruise around the patio and watch the colors flashing😆Of course the brothers had to “try it out!” All ...

This weeks highlight! Grandpa&Grandma visit Us!😍

Last Saturday was a really special day for us! The weather was perfect, playing basketball on the patio started our day off great. So much fun watching grandpa and the boys shoot hoops together! 😃 🏀  We were glad my parents brought their bikes so we could bike to the farmers market before lunch, I enjoy getting their flowers each Saturday and checking out all the veggies 🍅 🌸  Mom and I spent time in the kitchen for a few hours organizing things and prepping food for supper together, my dad helped me with the shower doors in our bathroom and Kyle worked on the grill. We kept busy! Then we went to play pickle ball together before supper. So much fun😁It was so nice of my parents to come spend the whole day hanging out with us! Kyle and I took the motorcycle out twice last weekend! We are enjoying taking it out on nice nights together. I’m so thankful for our time we get to grab supper out and spend quality time together after a busy week. Thankful we both desire this time ou...

My favorite night❤️

It’s Friday!!! As I look back on our week, this night stands out most of all. Wednesday night this week was in rare form as we enjoyed a family night! No one had youth group or church responsibilities and we were able to enjoy a full night of family time. My favorite!❤️  It was a pizza and pickle ball playing kind of night!  The weather has been so nice this week, feeling like fall yet the sun is still warm during the day!  I’ve also gotta say, I’m really missing my trail runs from our Summer2020 trip! Came across this selfie from Colorado and felt a little “Mountain Sick” this week 🏔 🏃‍♀️❤️ Reminding myself how much God blessed me on so many gorgeous runs this past summer. I may not get another race in this year with the pandemic, so I’m going to focus on what God did provide for me this year and my heart is Full.🥰 learning to be content in every circumstance! 🏔Happy Friday!!  

Back2School+Early Mornings!😳

School has officially started and the early mornings have begun!! I’m still adjusting to the dark mornings putting my running shoes on and heading out the door with my headlamp.  These views after I warmup though are incredible and the weather this week is ideal running conditions, so I can’t complain....too much.😉 The guys have had a great first couple days at school. We are fully supporting 3 schools now in Menomonie: Drew 9th grade HS, Micah 8th grade MS, Caleb 6th grade MS, Jake 3rd grade Oaklawn The older 3 guys have to be ready to head out each morning at 7:05a, lots of commotion in the house by 6:30!😳Poor Kyle and Jake for trying to still sleep! 😴  Jake our little man leaves home at 8:30a, excited to enjoy this extra time in the mornings with just him.  This mornings sunrise🥰 Thankful for these beautiful sunrise paintings from the Lord to remind me how much He loves me. Can’t pass up these amazing mornings to be with Him.❤️ My Prayer for the Guys this week:...