Monday Special!❤️

 I got the greatest text this afternoon from Kyle, inviting me to join him on the prayer trail today to pray! It filled my whole heart up to be asked and I for sure did not turn this down.🥰It was a Monday Special for ME today!! 

I know I am biased but I think Kyle is such an incredible leader who strives to be used by God knowing fully he can not lead well with out the Holy Spirit working full time in and through him. His heart is on fire for our community to know the Lord and to experience a deep and real relationship with Him. This fall we look at ministry in a new way during this pandemic and know that God is using his people in new ways. Our prayer as a couple is for others to see that the longing of our hearts can not be filled by the world around us but only from God.  He is more then enough for us! 

Flowers on the prayer trail. 
Being in His word daily keeps our minds sharp!  I love this verse- Romans 12:2 
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what Gods will is- his good, pleasing and perfect will!


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