November • I am thankful •

As the first week of November is in full swing over here, I’ve been reflecting on how thankful I am for the many things Kyle and I have done this year that have been fulfilling but also very hard and time consuming. I am so thankful for the ways we have done hard things this year to reveal God’s goodness in and through us! 
Kyle Graduating from Bethel was a huge accomplishment in May! We were so proud of him and all his hard work in getting his masters degree in transformational leadership. 
Becoming lead pastor in August was a beautiful celebration of Kyle’s obedience in following Gods direction for our church and our family. 
Being In His word on a consistent basis has been hard at times to find the time but once I began saying "no" to the extra little things occupying my time, it really opened my day for quiet space to be with God. What a huge difference this has made in my life. 
3 Marathons in one year took a lot of dedication and hard work. I learned so much about the sport of marathon running and the joy of putting in consistency and perseverance and really reaping its benefits. After running 3 marathons I decided that 26.2 miles is really not that far of a distance to go! In my reflection I realize I love doing hard things. 
5 Great Lakes in 5 Days brought so many great memories yet also hard work in planning and executing this family highlight for us!  It was one of our very favorite trips and we were so glad grandma and grandpa could join us!  Although it was a fast and furious vacation, it will be forever one we will never forget. 
Being thankful for a wonderful year of purposeful planning with our boys, goals being met personally, and seeing God work in our individual hearts and lives has been so fulfilling. Doing hard things doesn’t always seem pleasant at the time, but it reaps a great harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11
In the days ahead as we get closer to Thanksgiving, I will be posting about my thankfulness and gratitude I see in each day ahead. Join me in seeing Gods hand in the ordinary moments of each day. 🍂 


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