Refreshed🍂Nov. 15th

Today I am thankful for being refreshed. It has taken me most of my 30s to realize how much I value and truly need quiet and stillness each day. I’d try to push past it some days claiming the day was just "too busy" to stop. Or rush around doing mindless things around town or in my house when what I needed was to be still. Being still doesn’t need to be hours long, even just a brief 30minutes, enough time to focus my brain and mind to read my bible or close my eyes and think of absolutely nothing.
In my stillness time I enjoy doing a variety of things like read my bible, work on my bible study, or go to my fun reads 📚 but sometimes what I need that day is a nap.

I love that when I substitute teach the kids have what’s called WIN (what I need) time each afternoon for 30 minutes. I just love this because it’s so true how we all need a window in our day that is for what I need

Being refreshed makes the rest of the day feel so much better. WIN time is so needed everyday so that God can speak important things into our souls or refresh us with needed rest. This week God spoke these simple words from my study right inside my heart- You are seen Anna. I have chosen you Anna. I have sent you to share about who I AM. 

So my prayer in response was Help me Lord to have the strength and courage to go where You tell me to go and do what You have called me to do. Each day. 

Being refreshed is the best place to serve from. 🍂Thankful that I finally know What I Need to best serve Him each day. 


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