Bryce Canyon day2 July 20th

Day2 at Bryce Canyon was a blast! We took the shuttle up to the park today and hopped on Navajo Trail for a fun morning. The weather started out steamy hot, then clouded over and sprinkled on us for a bit! The rain drops felt chilly on our very warm skin, but refreshing. Poor Micah took a fall this morning while mom was encouraging everyone to jog on the downhills with her!🙄oops! 
So dusty hiking here, we were just covered in rusty colored dust! I hosed off everyone’s shoes after this hike.😊

Dusty shoes!
Our big guy, thankful for time away with him.🥰
Clouds rollin’ in! First day we’ve even seen cloudy skies, kinda a nice break.

Here is a full map of the park! Super cool place to visit and a great spot for bringing your bikes!
The pool and hot tub was fantastic too! We enjoyed swimming each afternoon and evening. 💦 
Kyle and I went out to supper and had the guys meet us at the ice cream shop on their bikes after. Fun way to end a super great day!😊


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