To the Grand Canyon! July 17th

Kyle and I had a nice coffee date before our day began. We hopped on our bikes and took off for an hour and it felt so nice to have some kid free time to connect. We loaded up later that morning and stopped at Walmart for a few things and then headed to the Grand Canyon, taking naps and reading books once we got there! We were all still worn out from all our hiking in Zion so it felt nice to take things easy for most of the day. We drove into the north rim side of the park and enjoyed some beautiful sunset views of the Grand Canyon!

Our guys are doing so well, love this sunset pic of them❤️

Great way to end an easy going, nap taking, kind of day! Tomorrow we will add some Grand Canyon adventures to our day! 
Today’s Scripture: We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5


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