Mt Rushmore National Memorial+Crazyhorse Memorial

Thursday morning July 9th,  we woke up and had pancakes and sausage for breakfast before heading out to Mt Rushmore
 The boys thought this it was so cool to see the presidents! Fun to walk around the park and check out the gift shop. The boys kept saying, “This is so cool!” Neat experience for us together. 
Everyone was in good moods and excited to explore some new places today!
We checked out Crazy Horse Memorial and were just in time to see the Indian dance, it was really fun! Love the beat and watching the different dances and learning more about the Indian culture.
We headed back to our RV site to rest and swim. Ate an earlier supper, pizza and grilled cheese pies, before going swimming at Horsethief lake. 😊
After swimming we decided to drive back into Mt Rushmore National Memorial to see the flag ceremony and have ice cream. It was a gorgeous evening and so fun to see the sculpture of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln all light up! Glad we had time to do this, we all really enjoyed it.

Fun day in South Dakota!!❤️Tomorrow we head to Yellowstone!

Today’s Scripture: “Make every effort to live I peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.” Hebrews 12:14


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