
Showing posts from August, 2020

Final weekend highlights in August!

  Farmers Market is open! Saturday was our first time at the farmers market and we had a lot of fun checking everything out. So many veggies 🌶 and lots of people selling masks 😷 and lots of flowers. I can’t wait to go again this Saturday with my parents! Connecting with family on Saturday night was so nice and needed, it had been since June that we had seen them. Fun visiting and catching up, AND meeting our new addition to the family...Oreo!😁 Family yard games! Celebrating the girls birthdays was so sweet, it is so special that these girls all have summer birthdays! Blessed by these amazing birthday girls! 💗 Kaylee 12, Lila Kate 7, Leona 5, Clara 2 Grandpa made a very pink and purple cake! Fun night.🥰 My Sunday morning run was so pretty with the sunrise and the temps were glorious! Church on the hillside, really enjoying church since coming home. Our new pastor James has been so good and I’m really liking his sermons. Excited for what God has in store for Cedarbrook. ❤️ We ha...

Before school starts up

Life back at home has been going well! This is our final week before school starts so I tried to keep things low key and simple the best I could. Last weekend we enjoyed a full day out at Shell lake swimming and hanging out with friends. Lots of fun beachin’ it and enjoying the hot sun!☀️ Kyle bought a truck last weekend, we are excited to have the van sit and wait now until Drew starts driving!😜 I’m loving driving the Honda Pilot!  Sunday after church we enjoyed the afternoon on the lake! Fun watching the boys wakeboard and we had fun swimming! Water felt great.  The guys love eating at Waterfront on Sunday nights! So fun to visit and hang out together, talking about school&sports&friends&football&wearing enjoy our family conversations!😁 Bonfires are still a family pass-time for us! Lots of time with friends this week! Drew had fun in Hudson swimming. And then golfing!😉 Jman had fun playing pickle ball with Joe and Clayton 😊 More swimming time! ...

Gettin’back In👊🏻😬

This week we’ve been gettin’ back in  to life at home. It’s been a nice week connecting with friends and remembering what our home routine typically looks like. I think we’d all say, it’s been nice to be back!😃Check out how we’ve been adjusting back in- Basketball time! Jake and Caleb went to shoot hoops for the afternoon with some buddies at St Paul’s Lutheran church, their low hoops are super appealing to these younger guys! Great afternoon. Wednesday Night Water Wars! Caleb was so pumped to go to youth group for the 1st time and invited some friends to join him! The boys enjoyed having Kyle lead the event too.😀 Lots of water&mud!! Beautiful sunsets this week in Menomonie, one of my favorite views on our summer trip, so this was Gods blessing to me in coming home.🥰 The boys have enjoyed roller blading this week! Micah and Caleb took an afternoon to blade across town and get icees! I love when they do things like this together. A few falls and cuts along the way, but nothi...

Home Aug 14th❤️

Feels so nice to be home❤️ We rolled into our driveway Friday evening and everyone helped unload the RV together. It felt so good to all of us to be back home. Started the laundry up and totally chilled the rest of the night. Saturday morning I woke up and went for a nice Back@Home run and then we started our BIG Cleaning Day!😃We packed a lot in by 5pm and then all showered up and enjoyed steaks on the grill with our good friends Kevin and Beth, who borrowed us their RV for our SummerTrip! We had such a nice night sharing stories and laughing together at all the silly things that happened on our trip. The boys had fun sharing their highlights while we ate brownies and ice cream for dessert. So grateful for their friendship to us. I had them take this family pic of us at home. I think it’s so funny how Duke and Bailey are sitting by us! They must have missed us for sure.😉 It will take us sometime to get back into home life again. Looking for God to guide me each day back at home and ...

Marovia, Iowa Aug 12&13 ☀️💦

It’s almost time to drive home, but before we do we stopped to swim and play,  and reflect on our trip as a family. It was the wisest choice we made!! The weather was hot and sunny, and we had so much fun.😎⛱☀️Sad to see our trip come to an end, but so much to be thankful for!❤️ This bike was at our RV site when we pulled up, Drew hopped right on and started riding it around!😆 Our swimming spot for 2days! They had an indoor water park too but never got a pic of that. Oops! We enjoyed the sun for 2 days and worked on cleaning up all our groceries! Kyle and I wanted to really clean stuff up before heading home. The guys did well with Mac&Cheese, fruit, and freezie pops last night!!  Our final bonfire together on our SummerTrip2020❤️ Fun to go around and share our favorite memory, food, location, and activity from all the places we’ve been!   Each of us had something different and unique to share! Then we prayed as a family before going to bed. We have been so blessed.?...

Dodge City, Kansas City Aug 11th

 We made it to crazy Dodge City, Kansas where traffic was nuts and people like to honk and shout out at runners (I went for an afternoon run)! We were glad to make it as it was 95 degrees and we wanted out of the RV! Right next to our KOA RV Campground was this incredible water park! That’s where we hung out for the evening!! It was the best water park we’ve been to yet! The water slides were a blast!! The guys love when I do wild things in their minds, we had so much fun on the water slides 💦 Tacos late and watched the sunset, this railroad was right behind our camp site so I had to get this fun evening pic of them. Love my boys!❤️ Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 Living in the moment❤️

Alamosa CO Aug 10th

The sun was warm and the pool inviting in Alamosa!!!💦⛱We all jumped into the pool and enjoyed playing together for a few hours in this hot spring pool! Great way to spend a Monday afternoon.😁 Just doing a little of this and a little of that in the pool!😜 Back to our RV site to watch the Twins game and relax before supper time. We played Uno too, and I totally beat the guys😆  Chattin’ by the bonfire 🔥  The guys are gettin’ sad our trip in closing in...soakin up these simple, quiet, peaceful moments together before heading home. Thankful for all the beautiful evening sunsets we’ve seen on this trip! Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since we were called to peace. And be thankful.          Colossians 3:15  

Pagosa Springs, CO Aug 9th

PlanB thankfully worked out great! We arrived in Pagosa Springs early afternoon and decided to relax for a bit. It was a fun RV Campground with a river flowing by our site! The guys and I walked up and down the river for like 10minutes until they started screaming they saw snakes! 🐍😜Then our river walking ended, which I had to laugh how freaked out they were! They were just little snakes and I told them they wouldn’t hurt them but there was no changing their minds on this. The afternoon was very warm, the guys rested in the RV (staying clear of the snakes!😆), while I did some laundry and read my book. We ate an early supper and then headed into town to check out the hot springs. This pool of water was Hot! It was so bizarre!! There were like 6 pools like this along the river. Cool spot! River swimming is the BEST!! These 4 were just laughing and talking together in the river, Kyle and I soaked up every minute watching them enjoying time together.❤️Blessed. This time away is flying b...