Dodge City, Kansas City Aug 11th

 We made it to crazy Dodge City, Kansas where traffic was nuts and people like to honk and shout out at runners (I went for an afternoon run)! We were glad to make it as it was 95 degrees and we wanted out of the RV!

Right next to our KOA RV Campground was this incredible water park! That’s where we hung out for the evening!! It was the best water park we’ve been to yet! The water slides were a blast!!

The guys love when I do wild things in their minds, we had so much fun on the water slides πŸ’¦
Tacos late and watched the sunset, this railroad was right behind our camp site so I had to get this fun evening pic of them. Love my boys!❤️
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
Living in the moment❤️


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